What is Concierge Care?

Concierge care allows patients to have additional benefits not found in a traditional standard practice.  Easy access with direct physician communication, extended office visits and a personalized and caring patient experience are some of those benefits of concierge care.

How does Concierge medicine differ from a traditional insurance-based practice?

Concierge practice puts the focus back on the physician to patient relationship.   Rose Urology has a limited number of patients within its practice, so Dr. Rose can focus more attention on each individual patient.

How often can I see the Doctor?

As part of the concierge model, you can schedule appointments with Dr. Rose as often as needed to manage your urologic health.

What If I don’t choose the concierge model? Can I still be a patient?

We also offer a traditional model of care. Our highly skilled Nurse Practitioner, Valerie Ward, will manage your care if you prefer not to choose the concierge model. Dr. Rose will perform any urologic surgical procedures should your care require it.

What if I have insurance or Medicare?

You are allowed to see a concierge care physician if you have insurance or Medicare. The additional membership fee provides enhanced services not found in a standard urology practice.

Do I still need insurance?

Yes, It is very important to maintain your private insurance and/or Medicare to cover your healthcare needs.

Do you bill my insurance?

Yes, our practice is designed to give you the caring and personalized patient experience. We will continue to bill your insurance for standard services provided.

What happens if I am hospitalized?

Your plan includes visits while in Sebastian River Medical Center and courtesy visits while in Indian River Cleveland Clinic Hospital.

It is our hope that you do not need to be hospitalized, but of you do. Dr. Rose will communicate with the hospitalist and/or other physicians involved in your care and review your plan of care as well as communicate with you and your family directly.  In hospitals where he is not on staff, he will make a courtesy visit if possible and act as your health care advocate. We recognize that hospitalizations for serious illness are stressful and will help you navigate the complexities.


It is our hope that with our personalized care you will not have to experience emergent situations.  However, if there is an urgent need; please call us so that we may handle it as promptly as possible.  Remember, If you ever have a life threatening emergency please call 911 or proceed to the nearest emergency department.


Please click on the HIPAA logo to find a copy of our Privacy Practices. We are required by the Health Insurance Portability Act of 1996 to provide our patients with this notice. This notice is also posted in our office. Please feel free to download and read this policy. Should you have any questions regarding our Privacy Practices, you may call our office 772-564-1799.

Release of Records Form

At Rose Urology, we strive to assist our patients in managing not only their urologic care but their medical records.  In our effort to provide the most comprehensive care possible, our Doctor or Nurse Practitioner may need to review your records from other physicians. It is also possible that you may be under the care of another physician who may require your urology records.  Click on the button below to download an authorization for release of information. Please call 772-564-1799 for assistance.